cognitive processes
By Edsel Cook
The mind can control the body: Body sensations found to be controlled by psychological stimuli more often than physical stimuli
The old adage of “mind over matter” is true, according to the results of a Hungarian study. Their findings proposed that most attention-related body sensations take their cues from psychological stimuli from the central nervous system (CNS) rather than from the peripheral nervous system (PNS.) The researchers reported that cognitive processes are responsible for body sensations such as numbness, pulse, […]
By Jessica Dolores
Music improves your brain: Study finds musicians are better at solving problems and making decisions
Music has charms to soothe the savage beast, so wrote the playwright-poet William Congreve. Science has shown that music can also heal and slow down the aging process. But new research has found one more reason to learn this universal language: Music can actually make you smarter. Researchers from the University of Granada observed the neurological changes that […]
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