By Ellaine Castillo
Essential oils offer a natural, side effect-free way to address anxiety
The connection between the brain and a person’s sense of smell is very powerful. This is why certain scents can bring back emotions and memories that are tucked away in the brain. Aromatherapy takes advantage of this strong connection by using the smell of essential oils to stimulate healing. One of the diseases that can be cured […]
By Vicki Batts
Teenagers who eat the standard Western diet found to have increased risk of mental health challenges
The notion that the Western diet is not ideal is nothing new; the “standard” dietary habits in the U.S. and other westernized nations have been linked to major diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and more. But new research has shown that for teenagers in particular, the average American diet could be an even […]
By Jessica Dolores
Having “fiddle fingers” is a good thing: Research shows busy hands alter your brain’s chemistry, making you happier
Many people say, “the eyes have it”, but some researchers insist that “the hands have it”, instead. That’s because our hands hold the key to our happiness. Kelly Lambert, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond says “our brains reward us for getting a grip on the world.” She explains that we change our brain’s […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Turn up your happiness dial with these simple tips: From sleeping more to eating chocolate, easy ways you can be happy NOW
Being happy isn’t always easy. Just like all other emotions, happiness can come and go at any given moment. But making it come to you is a whole lot easier than it seems. There are many ways to boost your happiness, and these are some of the ones that you can indulge in every day. […]
By Jessica Dolores
Cure your depression by making these simple dietary changes
The sun is out. The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming. So you can’t explain why you’re feeling low. Something just isn’t right. It could be the food you’re eating. May Simpkin, a leading nutritionist in the United Kingdom, says people who consume a lot of processed foods and sugar are more prone to […]
By Janine Acero
Six lifestyle tips for balancing your mood and reducing anxiety or depression
Reducing anxiety or depression can be done naturally. There are foods, as well as lifestyle habits, that can help balance the mood and keep you feeling happy and healthy. Nutritional Health Counselor Sara Siskind lists six of these foods and habits: Load up on antioxidants – Diets rich in vegetables and fruits are good sources […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Social media can jack up your hormones, especially if you’re a woman
A new study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Davis and that was published online in Biological Psychiatry concluded that the “love hormone” oxytocin can aggravate negative as well as positive experiences, especially in women. Oxytocin is a brain-released hormone that plays a substantial role in social interactions and relationships. The research done […]
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